Support Special Olympics Indiana by joining the fun of the Polar Plunge and After Splash Bash at Versailles State Park. The Versailles Plunge is one of sixteen Plunges around the state. Last year’s event drew more than 300 Plungers and spectators. The eleventh annual Versailles Plunge promises all the chills and thrills that Plungers have come to know and love. Join us for this extreme fundraising event for the warm at heart.
Participants must raise a “bear” minimum of $75 to take a daring dip into Versailles State Park’s winter waters. All funds raised by the event benefit Special Olympics Indiana.
The Versailles’ Plunge features a HUGE heated festival tent with great entertainment, the Plunge Food Court, the Razzle Dazzle Basket Raffle, face painting, games, and more.