Freezin’ For A Reason!
2025 Polar Plunge and After Splash Bash at Versailles State Park
Saturday, February 15th
Jumping into freezing water in the middle of winter may seem crazy, but for the past 25 years, thousands of people have braved the elements to support Special Olympics Indiana during the annual Polar Plunge.
The 2025 Polar Plunge season will kick off on January 31 and continue through March 1, with 19 different events happening around Indiana.
The Polar Plunge at Versailles State Park will be held on Saturday, February 15th. This bucket-list event challenges individuals and teams to be bold and get cold — taking an icy dip to demonstrate their commitment to the cause.
As Special Olympics Indiana’s signature fundraising series, participants must raise at least $99 for the chance to plunge at one of 19 locations statewide: Bloomington, Boonville, Borden, Fort Wayne, Greenwood, Indianapolis (Butler University and Eagle Creek Park), Muncie, North Manchester, Petersburg, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso, Versailles and West Lafayette. More than 3,000 individuals take the plunge in a typical year — many of them raising significantly more than the minimum.
Plungers who raise the $99 minimum will earn a commemorative long-sleeved T-shirt. For those who reach higher fundraising levels, additional incentive prizes will be available.
The Virtual Plunge program is perfect for anyone who wants to join in the fun without getting their feet wet. Virtual Plungers are eligible to receive the same fundraising prizes, and on Plunge day, they can stay warm and dry while cheering on Polar Plunge participants from the shore.
Additionally, the Super Plunger program recognizes the bravest souls with the warmest hearts. Those who raise $4,000 or more and plunge at two sites will receive VIP treatment at the final event of the season as well as the top fundraising prize — a baseball-themed Polar Plunge jersey available exclusively for Super Plungers.
Back again for 2025, the Freezin’ for a Reason Fun Run/Walk challenges runners and walkers of all abilities to complete a 3K Walk or 5K/3K Run.
All funds raised during Polar Plunge events benefit more than 18,000 athletes throughout Indiana and help ensure an ever-growing number of children and adults with intellectual disabilities can participate in the state’s sports, health, education and leadership programs at no cost. To date, the Polar Plunge has generated more than $12 million for Special Olympics Indiana.
The Versailles’ Plunge features a HUGE heated festival tent with the Lions Club Food Court, the Razzle Dazzle Basket Raffle, face painting, games, and more.
Click the “Register Now” button to register yourself or your team of 10 or more for the Polar Plunge. This button will send you to our official registration site with instructions on how to register for your Plunge site. Participants must be at least 12 years old on the day of the Plunge. Participants under the age of 18 must have a signature from a parent or guardian. Click here to download the Release and Waiver of Liability form. Thank you for “Freezin’ for a Reason!”
Why do it…
All proceeds from this event benefit Special Olympics Indiana athletes in our community, giving them the means to train locally and to compete at the state level in a number of Olympic-type sports.
Plunging with a team is even cooler!
You don’t have to be an official organization to create a team. Just have your family and friends join you for the big splash. A team is any group of 10 to 20 members that wants to Plunge together, but only teams of 10 or more that have raised the minimum of $99 per team member will be eligible for team prizes. Teams are encouraged to preregister.
Virtual Plunger
Get the “thrill” without the “chill”! Sign up today to be a part of the virtual plunger program. Participants are eligible for the Plunge incentive items starting at the $85 level to receive the souvenir t-shirt. Click on the “Register Now” button to register today!
Freezin’ for a Reason Fun Run/Walk
Do your toes feel better in running shoes than water shoes? Then support the Polar Plunge and Special Olympics Indiana by participating in the Freezin’ for a Reason Fun Run/Walk. Learn more.
Do you dare become one of Indiana’s Super Plungers? Only for the bravest souls and the warmest hearts, the Super Plunger programs dare participants to go beyond the call of duty. Raise a minimum of $4,000 in pledges and Plunge at the Versailles Plunge and the Indianapolis Plunge at Eagle Creek on March 7th. For more information contact Greg Townsend at
How cool is your school?
Be a part of the 15th annual Cool School Challenge – an event designed exclusively for school teams who want to brave the icy cold lake and support Special Olympics Indiana. It’s a great way to show just how cool your school really is.
A Cool School Team is 10 or more members that students, teachers, staff and/or coaches that Plunge together. Each team must raise the minimum of $85 per team member.
There will be a trophy awarded to the team that raises the most money in each division. Divisions are as follows:
- Division 1: Middle Schools
- Division 2: High Schools
The coveted Cool School trophy, Tundra (a large stuffed Polar Bear that travels from school to school each year) will be awarded to the school that raises the most money overall. An Overall Top Teacher / Coach award will be given to the teacher or coach that shows outstanding fundraising and leadership of the Plunge team by raising the most money in all school divisions. And, an overall Star Student award will be given to the student who demonstrates an above and beyond effort in all aspects of fundraising and team support.
Previous Cool School Challenge winners include:
2009 – East Central High School
2010 – South Ripley High School
2011 – South Ripley High School
2012 – South Ripley High School
2013 – South Ripley High School
2014 – South Ripley High School
2015 – South Ripley High School
2016 – South Ripley High School
2017 – South Ripley High School
2018 – South Ripley High School
2019 – South Ripely High School
2020 – South Ripley High School
2021 – South Ripley High School
2022 – South Ripley High School
2023 – South Ripley High School
2024 – South Ripley High School
Cool School Challenge Resources
Cool School Team Registration Form
Be a part of the 8th annual Public Safety Challenge – an event designed exclusively for police departments, fire departments and EMTs who want to brave the icy cold lake and support Special Olympics Indiana. Teams are 10 or more members of police officers, firemen, EMTs and their family and friends that Plunge together. Each team must raise the minimum of $85 per team member. A trophy will be awarded to the team that raises the most.
Public Safety Challenge Resources
Public Safety Plunge Team Registration Form
Dip Tips
- Wear your plunging suit under the clothes you wear to the event – then you don’t have to change into it just to change right back out of it!
- Choose your “After Splash Bash” outfit (or post-Plunge gear) with this is mind – you will be cold and possibly numb, so loose-fitting, easy-on clothes without a lot of snaps, zippers or buttons are best. When your fingers and toes don’t work so well, it’s not so easy to get some of that stuff back on!
- Bring an old pair of shoes or surf mocs to Plunge in, its required! No flip-flops, these tend to fall off in the water.
- Bring a loose pair of shoes to wear after the Plunge – something that will slip easily on and doesn’t have tricky laces (think Crocs).
- Come dressed in your wackiest Plunge costume for the costume contest.
- Carpool, or even better, charter a bus with a whole group of friends. The park only holds so many cars.
- If you are a veteran offer up some help to the Plunge rookies – first-timers are easy to spot!
- Do not dive in – this a safety regulation and will be enforced by the safety team!!! Beyond that, remember that a Plunge is whatever you want it to be, so there is no pressure to fully submerge yourself. We recommend that you do not go into the water above your abdomen. The water is cold (it is February after all!) and will take your breath away.
- Do not wear anything over your face, such as a mask of some sort. When they get wet they tend to cause breathing difficulties.
- Do not be the first to go into the water if it is your first time. Remember there will be many people behind you and if you get in there and decide you do need out immediately, it will be very difficult to do so quickly.
- A plastic bag for wet clothes.
- A backpack to hold street clothes and your new Plunge t-shirt!
- Two beach towels one to dry with and one to stand on in the changing tent – which is heated by the way.
- A dry partner to hold your valuables while you are in the water.
- Old shoes for going into the water. No flip-flops.
- Clean dry under garments to wear after Plunging.
- A disposable, waterproof camera that you can carry into the Plunge Zone with you…even if your “handlers” can’t get a close-up of you in the water, feel free to ask a fellow Plunger to capture your big moment on film.
Plunge Prizes
- Raise $99 to $299
- $300 to $499
- $500 to $999
- $1,000 to $1,999
- $2,000 to $2,999
- $3,000 to $3,999
- $4,000
Everyone who meets the $99 mark receives a Polar Plunge t-shirt and a collectible cup.
The more you raise, the more we all win! Additional fundraising prizes are awarded to those willing to raise a little more, with additional options available at the $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, and $3,000 levels.
Raise at least $300 to also receive a specially branded Polar Plunge towel.
Plungers who earn $500 go home with these headphones.
Get all the way to $1,000 to earn this Polar Plunge Tapestry Blanket.
Reach $2.000 and get your pick of any two of the items above (along with the t-shirt and cup/socks).
Reach $3,000 and get your pick of any three of the items above (along with the t-shirt and cup/socks).
Super Plunger
At $4,000, welcome to the exclusive Super Plunger club. Along with some special perks during the season finale at Eagle Creek, you earn this Massage Gun that comes complete with a branded carrying case.
10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Freezin’ for a Reason Fun Run/Walk Registration
11:00 a.m. Freezin’ for a Reason Fun Run/Walk
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Polar Plunge Registration
1:30 p.m. Costume Contest
2:00 p.m. Polar Plunge
3:00 p.m Polar Plunge/Sponsor Awards
4:00 p.m. Basket Raffle Winners Announced
Costume Contest
Pump up the fun factor to this already wacky event by dressing up in a costume to take the Plunge. Prizes awarded to the best dressed.
Register NowRules
- Participants must raise a “bear” minimum of $85 for Special Olympics Indiana. All who raise the minimum are rewarded with an official event t-shirt, with additional Plunge Prizes and incentives available for those who go above and beyond.
- All participants must complete and submit a Release and Waiver of Liability.
- Participants must be at least 12 years old on the day of the Plunge. Those under the age of 18 must have a signature from a parent or guardian.
Need More Information?
Call us at 812-584-6861 or contact Greg Townsend at with any questions.
Event Forms
Release and Waiver of Liability.
Polar Plunge Pledge Collection Form
Cool School Team Captain Toolkit
Cool School Team Member Registration
Public Safety Plunge Team Registration
Public Safety Plunge Team Member Registration