Southeastern Indiana REMC Operation Roundup Program Awards Over $77,000 to Community Projects

The Southeastern Indiana REMC Operation Roundup program disbursed funds totaling $77,181.00 to thirty-five recipients from seven counties comprising the REMC’s service territory at a special awards ceremony held Thursday evening on August 23rd at the REMC Community Building. The nine member Operation Roundup Board of Trustees met July 9th and determined the thirty-five grant applications met all the requirements. The grant money is made possible through the generosity of the REMC membership by “rounding up” their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar amount.

Special Olympics Indiana – Ripley Ohio Dearborn Counties was one of the thirty-five recipients, receiving a grant in the amount of $2,459.00. The funds will be used to replace the outdated AV projector used at call out meetings and other events.

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