The popular Athlete Leadership Webinar Series returns on Saturday, January 30 at 10 AM Eastern. With the new year comes New Year resolutions! Do you have goals for 2021?
10:00 AM
Join athlete leader Ken Melvin, former Special Olympics Indiana board member and current member of the United States Athlete Input Council, for a discussion about setting goals and writing a personal mission statement.
Already have a personal mission statement? When’s the last time you’ve updated it? Whether you have goals or not, join us! Whether you have a personal mission statement or not, join us!
11:00 AM
Later, athlete leader Chad Miller from Elkhart County will discuss a fantastic video project. And he needs your help!
11:30 AM
After that, we’ll hear from Indiana University occupational therapist student Renee Callahan as she promotes her new Zoom dance fitness class available to all athletes from across the state.
11:45 AM
Finally, athlete leader Jason Glenn of Washington Township will lead us in a discussion on supportive decision-making. Not sure what this is? Find out more with Jason.
The session ends around 12 PM Eastern and is free to join on Zoom or to watch on Facebook Live. To join the interactive discussion, you must pre-register for the Zoom portion here.
  • February 13, February 27, March 13, and March 27
  • Topics are TBD. We would love to hear from you on ideas for future topics.
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